Today's Valentine's day which means love is in the air! But while we all know love is love, we're also sometimes PAINFULLY aware that love's also complex af. Some gals will go through today with cupids arrow in their heart while others hearts may be on the verge of breaking. We wanted you to know that we're here for you, no matter what your love-life is looking like atm.
L is for the way you look at me, sure. But it's also for a zillion other feels that love produces in its storm. Each playlist we've made is dedicated to every kind of sticky love situation with could dream of! We tried our best to exclusively feature queer and/or femme artists from pop to indie to rap, and prioritized new music!
Which L Word describes your love life??
Mooshy gooshy, sincere and sensual playlist for your one true love. Love like this doesn't come very often but when it does, it feels a little something like this..
So you think you're in love but she doesn't even know your name? This is the classic case of the crush. Your heart skips a beat and you faint at the slightest bat of her lashes. Ahhh, butterflies.
Some might say twin-flame, others might just call it toxic... either way, you're pushing and pulling and breaking up and making up like your love depends on it. And maybe it does?
All things end, sometimes a little sooner than we expected or wanted. It doesn't mean your life's over, it just means this chapter is closing. It's okay to mourn and be sad– let it out, baby girl.
When it's casual but passionate, complicated but addictive. When you're not sure how you feel or they feel but it feels right and OH so good. This is it. This is the playlist.
So you dumped them or they dumped you, it simply doesn't matter anymore. You're moving on and we're here to cheer you on. You've got this babe, no looking back.
Nobody wants to condone lying and cheating but the reality is that some love is forbidden and some girls are unavailable. Here's for your lust over the girl that's already taken.
This is for our girls that make The Chart a legit thing. You're cocky af and get around the block but your bad bitch self don't give a clit. And why should you? Live your life, boo.
We've all been here before. You're crushing HARD on a straight girl. There's something so poetic about unattainable love; that's probably why there're so many songs about it.
Oh you've got love! It's just inside yourself and vibrating off of everyone around you. Shine on girl, you don't need anyone to complete you and we're here for your growth and applaud your self-love.
Want more music? Be sure to follow us at @lesvixensburlesque on Spotify and literally any social media platform! All of our Vixens will be curating their own playlists soon, PLUS we're going to be making an open playlist for you to drop your favourite tunes that you'd like to see us perform with.
Vibin' hard but have the perfect song you want to add to one of our playlists above? DM @lesvixenscreatives to get your suggestions featured!
Let us know if you found your L word and if our music selection is giving you ALLLLLL the feels below!